Monday, July 14, 2014

THE MEANING OF MARXISM - a four session study group

MARXISM involves an approach to reality that was developed to help the working-class majority bring about a fundamental change from CAPITALISM (an economic dictatorship operating to maximize the profits of the wealthy) to SOCIALISM (an economic democracy in which “the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all”).

It is grounded in a sophisticated philosophical orientation, the social sciences, and an understanding of history. It developed in close interplay with workers’ struggles and the labor movements of the 19th and 20th centuries. If understood and utilized with intelligence and passion, it can be a powerful tool for understanding and changing the world.

We will be exploring the basics of Marxism by utilizing a fine introductory text by Paul D’Amato – The Meaning of Marxism.

July 31
Philosophy, History, Economics, pp 7-68

August 7
Workers, Revolution, Organization, pp 69-138

August 14
Imperialism, War, Oppression, Ecology pp 139-189

August 21
Arguments Against & For Socialism pp 190-221

The book is available for $14

All classes start at 7pm and run for one hour
at the Thomas Merton Center
5129 Penn Avenue