On Saturday October 23rd, we are hosting a comprehensive event that we call a "day school"--three engaging talks by three active members of the ISO, all under the heading "Socialism In Our Time." The work shop-style event will focus on Marxist ideas and experiences to effect social change. It's to take place from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Frick Fine Arts Building, room 202. But come whenever you can, and stay as long as you're able! We'll have pizza delivered for lunch, and all of our literature to peruse and purchase will be on hand. The following is our schedule for the day:
10:30 a.m. Ashley Smith will speak on "The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx"
1:00 p.m. Sherry Wolf will speak on "Overcoming Divisions in the Working Class"
2:45 p.m. Paul Le Blanc will speak on "Marxist Perspectives on Revolutionary Organization"
And here's a bit about each of our featured speakers:
Ashley Smith is an activist, co-founder of the Burlington, Vermont Anti-War Coalition, secretary of the Vermont chapter of the United Writers Union (UAW 1981), northeast regional organizer for the ISO, editorial boardmember of the International Socialist Review magazine, and contributor to the Socialist Worker newspaper, among other publications. Check out this video of a presentation entitled "Socialism 101" he gave recently at the Burlington, Vermont branch of the ISO.
Sherry Wolf is a member of the ISO, associate editor of the ISR magazine, long-time activist for LGBTI equality, and author of "Sexuality and Socialism: History, Politics and Theory of LGBT Liberation," which was named one of The Progressive's favorite books of 2009. She was a leading organizer for the 2009 National Equality March, as well as a founding organizer of the resulting Equality Across America coalition. She keeps a blog here, and you can see a video of her talk "Sex Wars," given at the Socialism conference in 2010, here.
Paul Le Blanc is a professor of history and a life-long revolutionary socialist activist based in Pittsburgh. He serves as the national coordinator of the ISO's anti-war fraction. He is the author of several books, including Lenin and the Revolutionary Party, A Short History of the U.S. Working Class, and Black Liberation and the American Dream, and most recently co-edited Leon Trotsky, Writings from Exile, which comes out in 2011.
Hope to see you there!
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