June 28-July 1 | Chicago
“A global rebellion of the oppressed against the oppressor, the exploited against the exploiter.” That's how the African American revolutionary Malcolm X characterized the international scene in 1965. But the description seems even more apt today.
After years of devastation in the clutches of the Great Recession, masses of people are discovering their own power to change the world. The Arab Spring has given birth to a global movement of Occupiers that has revived the politics of class struggle and revolution for the 21st century. Instead of the cutbacks, unemployment and repression that our rulers offer us, solidarity in struggle shows that “another world is possible.”
Each year, the Socialism conference brings together hundreds of activists from around the country to learn our history of class struggle and debate strategies for building a better world. Don't miss this chance to meet others like you--committed fighters against a system of greed, racism, war and oppression.
Join us for more than 100 presentations: Where Is the Egyptian Revolution Going? | The Future of the Occupy Movement | Marxism and Imperialism | The Overpopulation Myth | The Communist Manifesto | The New War On Women | What is the Real Marxist Tradition? | and many more
Featured speakers include: Ali Abunimah, Justin Akers Chacón, Ian Angus, Anthony Arnove, Abbie Bakan, Tithi Battacharya, Megan Behrent, Martha Biondi, Rachel Cohen, Dana Cloud, Nicole Colson, Kevin Coval, Paul D’Amato, Neil Davidson, Sam Farber, Anand Gopal, Dan Georgakas, Glenn Greenwald, Arun Gupta, Ragina Johnson, Sam Jordan, Bill Keach, Sarah Knopp, Deepa Kumar, Alan Maass, Marlene Martin, Scott McLemee, David McNally, China Miéville, Leia Petty, Khury Peterson-Smith, Charlie Post, Michael Ratner, John Riddell, Boots Riley, Jen Roesch, Eric Ruder, Elizabeth Schulte, Michael Schwartz, Liliana Segura, Lance Selfa, Ahmed Shawki, Wally Shawn, Beryl Satter, Sharon Smith, Marvin Surkin, Lee Sustar, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Elizabeth Terzakis, Hadas Thier, Lee Wengraf, Sherry Wolf, Richard Wolff, Leela Yelletsey, Annie Zirin, Dave Zirin...and many more
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Socialism 2012 sponsored by: Center for Economic Research and Social Change (publisher of International Socialist Review and Haymarket Books). Cosponsored by: The International Socialist Organization (publisher of Socialist Worker and Obrero Socialista).
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